Thank You for Tutorials

You've got an unlimited supply of smiles and thank yous

Thank You for Tutorials screenshot

As they say, “Smiles don’t cost you anything” but they create real good. And of course, the same is true of “Thank Yous”. Of course, both smiles and “thank yous” count a lot more, the more genuine they are.

A good genuine thank you encourages people to keep doing what they are. They should feel proud of themselves for good efforts and we can help that.

It’s amazing the selfless things people do over the Internet. In a large part the Internet was founded on that precept of people helping people.

I’ll save the open source movement for another post, but Tutorials and advice for web-programmers are created in such high quality, with such a huge investment of skilled knowledge and effort in polish that it blows me away sometimes.

Some of these people are just really good at what they do and maybe knock out a video in a hour or two ? I doubt that… I think it takes me that long to write a well worded question sometimes.

Well, I thumbs up videos I watch, say thanks in comments sections, but I also wanted to consolodate a list that I could share quickly with new programmers in a public place.. like a web site huh? It also helps the web in a bigger, “meta”, way but that’s for other posts.

Not losing track of how I started though, Thank Yous are genuine, and if nothing else I hope they encourage the super stars that have taken the time to help me, even haven never met me.


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